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Mike Bosway Joins the Indianapolis Zoo and Eli Lilly Representatives at the New York Stock Exchange

Mike Bosway, President and CEO of City Securities and City Financial Corporation, will be joining dignitaries from the Indianapolis Zoo and Eli Lilly and Company Foundation as they ring the closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange. This occasion will honor Dr. Patricia Wright, winner of the Indianapolis Zoo’s 2014 Indianapolis Prize. The Indianapolis Prize is celebrated as “the world’s leading award for animal conservation.”

As an active participant of the Indianapolis Zoo Board of Directors, Mike was asked to attend this ceremony in acknowledgement of Dr. Wright’s “heroic and selfless dedication to protecting the lemurs, ecosystems and people of Madagascar.”¹

For more information about the 2014 Indianapolis Prize, read the Indianapolis Zoo’s full press release here. If you are interested in learning more about the Indianapolis Zoo’s efforts, please visit the Indianapolis Prize website.



  1. The Indianapolis Zoo. Patricia C. Wright Named 2014 Indianapolis Prize Winner. Indy Zoo Prize Site. Indianpolis Zoo, 13 May 2014. Web. 14 May 2014.


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