In honor of Military Appreciation Month, CREA is grateful to recognize our very own veteran team members: Michael Murray, U.S. Army, 19801-1984 and Jon Rieman, U.S. Army, 2004-2009.
We thank and celebrate them for their years of service. It is in this same acknowledgment to those who have given their time, talents, and so much more for the freedom of our country, that we support Homeless Veterans and Families (HVAF) through a charitable contribution. HVAF is an Indianapolis-based organization, focused on addressing the specific needs of veterans. Their mission is to provide housing and reintegration services to veterans experiencing or at-risk for homelessness.
While difficult to fully report on due to the transient nature of homeless populations, the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans reports that 13% of the homeless adult population are veterans.¹ Beyond consideration of driving influences of homelessness, such as the affordable housing shortage, veterans are subjective to homelessness due to lack of transferable skills to civilian workforce and “lingering effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse, which are compounded by a lack of family and social support networks.”
With this in mind, we find it especially important to promote and prioritize the availability of veteran-specific affordable housing options that include supportive services to foster veteran success in reintegrating into civilian life. CREA is proud to share partnerships with organizations that provide these housing and health solutions and welcome you to learn about three communities that are doing just that.

845 Commons / Schenectady, NY
845 Commons offers 155 safe, affordable homes to formerly homeless residents, many of which are military veterans. Originally built in 1915 as an industrial building for the Mica Insulator Company, the community by the Galesi Group was awarded a Historical Preservation Award by the Preservation League of New York State for its preservation and successful repurposing of the historic structure and aided the city in being “recognized by President Obama as one of only three cities in the United States to effectively eliminate veteran homelessness.”²
At the community’s 2015 grand opening, Governor Andrew Cuomo said, “845 Commons gives hope to people, especially veterans, who need a decent place to live and services to help them succeed.” In partnership with the Capital District YMCA, resident services include case management, referrals for medical and behavioral health treatment, employment training and placement, life skills development and subsidized meal offerings.
Bastion Community of Resilience (Phase II) / New Orleans, LA

Recipient of the 2019 Charles L. Edson Tax Credit Excellence Award for Veterans, Bastion Community of Resilience (Bastion) was the country’s first intentional community for veterans and their families. Developed by Renaissance Property Group, Bastion Phase II provides 20 homes with a focus on supportive services that are not only catered for veterans but meet residents on an individual level via a needs assessment and individualized care plan.
Supporting the Bastion’s holistic approach to community integration, through the care of Generations of Hope, residents are well positioned to experience post traumatic growth within the intergenerational, multi-cultural community. Of its current residents, 32 are using VA disability, 31 are using VA healthcare, 17 are using housing vouchers, and since 2017, the community has been home to 31 post 9/11 veterans and 15 elderly veterans, and has experienced 28 deployments to the Middle East and Central Asia and 327 total years of military service.³
Bastion has been a huge blessing for me and my family. It gave us hope at the time when hope was in question. Malik Scott, Bastion Resident
Belle Rivers & Eastover Apartments / Oxford, MS
Developed by Rosemark Real Estate and Rosedale Holdings, the Belle Rivers and Eastover apartments set aside at least 20 and 10 percent, respectively, of their homes for veterans seeking affordable living within vibrant communities to help facilitate and support reintegration. Located within two miles of each other, both apartments offer a host of amenities to residents, including:
Business Center and Clubhouse
Professional, on-site management
Play areas
Access to walking trail and local amenities
Spacious storage spaces
Washer and dryer in homes

Belle Rivers Community

Eastover Community